Sunday, 12 June 2011

Chuck's movies #1

Directed by Duncan Jones (David Bowie's son), who brought us, earlier this year, "Source Code". Starring Sam Rockwell as Sam Bell and Kevin Spacey as GERTY, an AI, and a few other actors, but these two are the main (and almost only) characters.

As you might have guessed, the movie takes place on our good old Moon, where Sam is an employee of Lunar Industries. He's been alone on a lunar base for the last 3 years. His job is to oversee the machines harvesting Helium-3 from the Moon's surface. He then has to periodically send full canisters to Earth, where the helium is needed for fusion reactors, apparently providing for a big part of Earth's consumption of energy. He is, at the beginning of the movie, two weeks away from returning home to his wife and daughter.

This is a great movie, you can clearly see the influence of movies like 2001 or Alien. The plot is great, as you never really know what to think, but unlike the space odyssey, it does not leave you with the feeling of not having a clue of what just happened.

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